Welcome To Initial Naturals
Initial Naturals is a herbal extract manufacturer as well as a nutraceuticals manufacturer. We source, supply all types of ingredients. You would find your desired products here. Why choose us? Firstly, we have extensive selections of ingredients; you can shop all your desired ingredients at one time without running over to other places. Secondly, we offer you with affordable price. Moreover, we can complete your order at due time.

Initial Naturals is a nutraceuticals supplier as well as a herbal extract manufacturer in Xian. We provide one-stop shopping for nutracetical powder and other natural ingredients, such as herbal extract powder, nutraceutical powder, and vitamin, etc. When it comes to nutritional and health ingredients, Initial Naturals would be your best-chosen partner.
Except for regular supplying, we source, supply and develop ingredients across all Chinese market and now Initial Naturals is one of the leading nutraceuticals manufacturers in the botanical industry.
Initial Naturals features low-cost ingredients without underestimating the product’s quality and an extensive range of natural ingredients are available.
As a nutraceuticals company, we cover a wide range of nutraceuticals. Moreover, we also manufacture amino acids powder, wholesale vitamins, and produce excipients and minerals.
Start a conversation with us and you would find out a new ingredients world, which would surely be adding more benefits and value to your business.
Vision: Become a well-known one-stop natural ingredients supplier for nutraceuticals world
Mission: Let customers get the most natural and healthy ingredients to make the complex purchase simpler
Values: Origin from Initial Aspiration, Back to Naturals
Our Environment
We have a professional team and equipment to manufacture herbal extract powder, nutraceutical powder, amino acids powder, vitamins, excipients and minerals. A clean and sterile environment is essential. And we manufacture these products according to strict standards. Hence, Initial Naturals is a responsible and trustworthy nutraceuticals factory.

Our factory has been certified by ISO22000, ISO9001 standard. Therefore we are a qualified nutraceuticals company. Besides, our products comply with the requirements of USP, EP, JP, EU, GB.